Yeah, yeah, this comes at least two days late to many of you, but it's Monday, I'm back in the office (not that I'm doing any work), and it's the first time I've had a moment to catch my breath, LOL!!
Here's a quick "quilting recap" of the end of 2010 that I wanted to pass along . . .
Early in December, I posted about "Gifted 2010," a show I participated in. Well, it was quite a success!! The opening weekend, I sold three-fourths of my inventory!! A collector in New York called and bought FIVE pieces!! (He's given me ideas for new projects, but we'll come to that later.)
Mere days before Christmas, I helped a friend (and future quilter) bind blue jeans quilts she had made (with help from someone else).
I was invited by my friend Wayne Kollinger to participate in his "Why I Design Quilts" Initiative, where he asked various quilt designers "WHY??"
And, on New Year's Eve, I erased my "Tessellation Nation" blog . . . completely.
Now, mind you, the blog launched on April Fools Day, 2010. Over the past nine months I had changed the theme (the "skin," or how it looked) a couple of times; I had changed the nature of the content (and had often asked my readers what did they wanna see); I bumbled and bungled along and deleted graphics (and the associated blog posts). It was quite a learning experience.
Anyway, I wanted a "fresh start" as it were for the new year. So, I uninstalled WordPress and re-installed it (with help from Go Daddy, my host). I spent most of New Years Eve Day at home, posting to the new blog. Now, call me anal, but I want the blog to reflect its true age, so the posts were "back dated" as it were. I'm pleased to report that I posted a month's worth in a weekend, LOL!!
Here's the link to the new blog: Tessellation Nation. There's still stuff I wanna do to it (like add a subscription widget, write an "About" page, etc.), but the basics are there. My big hurdle now is to catch up in less than nine months!!
Thank you for reading my blog. Please take a moment to leave a comment and follow this blog!!
Friday Faces
1 day ago
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